Wednesday 9 September 2009

My Story

Who Am I?

My name is Andy Medlam

I live in what some people call the North of England, Well, North of London anyway South Yorkshire

Back Ground?

My back ground is quite divers from being a Semi-pro musician for 5 years to a full time Sales Exec selling to the construction industry & also running a offline home based business....

(So you can tell i'm not shy of hard work :-)

Guess which i enjoy the most?

It's not rocket science is it! :-)

Having been involved in a fantastic networking business for several years I recently decided I needed to create more leverage on income & time & wanted a system/formula that worked for me along side my opportunity while i enjoyed other aspects of my life. . . .

I don't class myself as a Marketing Guru (as some do!) I'm just an average guy that's learnt some exceptional marketing skills that's led to me achieving personal goals!

It's alway a pleasure to share / pass on information that can increase the chances for other's to succeed in their own niche market. . ..

When you know 'How' to create web traffic in abundence
then the world just seems a better place because you
just KNOW that you can reach out and achieve your life long
personal-goals. . .

Our Marketing program leaves 'No-Stoned-Unturned'. . .

When we say

step by step / video by video,

then that is what we mean :-)

Please e-mail if you require any help. . .

Just Do It!
Looking forward to building bridge's between us so please keep intouch